Friday, June 4

"Technical Difficulties" and "Up Next"

I'm afraid, dear readers, that due to "technical difficulties" (a.k.a. my dad kicking my off his computer for a few months and the fact that I don't yet have my own laptop) I will not be able to post the weekly blogs. Please be patient; I will resume this blog soon, but in the meantime I will have to terminate the possibility of the weekly posts. Thank you for your patience.

The first post will be entitled "A Walkthrough of Theurgy Spells!" This article is being drafted in honor of the Comedy Theurgists, Marissa Petal and Cassandra! If you are a Theurgist and have any feedback as to the strategies you use in combat, please respond via commenting. Thank you!

-Blaze Wyrm, Editor

What type of Wizardry do you study??